Awareness program conducted in Anand Agriculture University
Ahemadabad, The target audience were the Dealers Distributors and Farmers from Anand Khera..
Agrochemicals exports may touch Rs. 80000 cr
INDIA'S agrochemical exports could increase to over Rs. 80,000 crore in the next four years
AP Agri Minister flags off 'Jago Kisan Jago' campaign
Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kakani Govardhan Reddy on Sunday flagged off a fleet of five mobile vans..
Agriculture Minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy flags-off 10 Mobile Vans
Hyderabad, Jul 11: Honourable Minister of Agriculture and Co-operation of Telangana, Mr. Singireddy Niranjan Reddy Garu today flagged-off 10 mobile vans as part of ACFI’s ambitious mass campaign ‘Jago Kisan Jago’..
Budget 2023: Industry seeks GST, import duty reduction on crop protection chemicals
The Agro Chem Federation of India (ACFI) has urged Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to reduce import duty on crop protection chemicals and provide fiscal incentives to private....
Mobile vans to ensure judicious use of farm chemicals in Haryana
Haryana Agriculture Minister J.P. Dalal on Friday flagged-off five mobile vans to ensure judicious use of crop protection chemicals that support sustainable farm management....
Mobile vans to ensure judicious use of farm chemicals in Haryana
The campaign is part of agro-chemical policy platform, Agro Chem Federation of India (ACFI), which is creating awareness among farmers about the right and optimal use of pesticides for increasing crop yield, quality and income.
Mobile vans to ensure judicious use of farm chemicals in Haryana
Chandigarh, May 6 : Haryana Agriculture Minister J.P.Dalal on Friday flagged-off five mobile vans to Ensure judicious use of crop protection Chemicals that support sustainable farm management.
Mobile vans to ensure judicious use of farm chemicals in Haryana
New Delhi, Feb 21(UNI) Agro Chem Federation of India(ACFI), the apex organization of agrochemical companies, has strongly opposed the central government’s decision...
Mobile vans to ensure judicious use of farm chemicals in Haryana
New Delhi, Feb 21(UNI) Agro Chem Federation of India(ACFI), the apex organization of agrochemical companies, has strongly opposed the central government’s decision...
किसानों को लूटने वालों को माफ नहीं किया जाएगा, नकली खाद व कीटनाशक बेचने वालों को किया जाएगा अलर्ट
हरियाणा के कृषि मंत्री जेपी दलाल ने कहा है कि नकली खाद ( नकली उर्वरक ) और कीटनाशकों की बिक्री एक अपराध है। इससे फसलों को नुकसान होता है। इस अपराध
ACFI welcomes the Guidelines (SOP) issued by the Indian government on drone applications
They said that the recent times have impacted all sections of Indian society and economy of the country. However, Indian Agriculture remains the only sector, which has been able to sustain....
एग्रो केम फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडिया ने 24 सितंबर को चौथी वार्षिक आम बैठक आयोजित की
New Delhi, Feb 21(UNI) Agro Chem Federation of India(ACFI), the apex organization of agrochemical companies, has strongly opposed the central government’s decision...
4th Annual General Meeting of Agro Chem Federation of India
Agro Chem Federation of India organized the 4th Annual General Meeting at Hotel Le-Meridien, New Delhi. The theme of this annual general meeting is “Plant Protection Chemicals: The Basic Requirement for Sustainable Agriculture”.
एसीएफआई ने गुणवत्तापूर्ण उत्पाद निर्माताओं के लिए कारोबार में आसानी की मांग की
नयी दिल्ली, 24 सितंबर एग्रो केम फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडिया (एसीएफआई) ने शुक्रवार को सरकार से कीटनाशक प्रबंधन विधेयक, 2020 से जुड़ी इस उद्योग की विभिन्न चिंताओं को दूर करने का आग्रह किया तथा गुणवत्तापूर्ण उत्पाद बनाने वाले अच्छे निर्माताओं के लिए व्यापार करने में आसानी पैदा करने की मांग की।
Ban on tricyclazol, buprophazine pesticides to adversely affect farmers : ACFI
New Delhi, Feb 21(UNI) Agro Chem Federation of India(ACFI), the apex organization of agrochemical companies, has strongly opposed the central government’s decision...
Japanese Agriculture Lessons on Sustainability and Responsibility
It is time, agriculture needs to be recognized more than just a means of growing primary products.